Peer-Based Life Skills Approach to Substance Use Prevention

:The Philippine Experience


  • Duka-Pante, Francis Grace H. University of the Philippines College of Education.
  • Morris Kamenderi National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse(NACADA)


Peer-based program, life skills, youth development, Substance use prevention


This research examines the Philippine experience in utilizing a peer-based life skills approach to substance use prevention. Recognizing the need to achieve the sustainable development goal on ensuring healthy lives and promoting healthy wellbeing for all at all ages, this intervention addresses the need to develop the students’ life skills and practical competencies. Given the strategic position of peers in shaping an adolescent’s health behavior, the program capacitated 15 youth facilitators in three public schools in Metro Manila who met the following criteria: role model, 12-15 years old, with charismatic personality, has good communication skills, willing to devote time for the training and teaching peers, and committed to helping others. The peer facilitators underwent a 4-day training and 2-day booster session on building self-esteem, personal skills, decision-making, communication, assertion, refusal, group facilitation, social and presentation skills. The skills inventory revealed that the trained peer facilitators have improved their life skills after taking part in the program. Moreover, after passing the readiness assessment, they in turn capacitated 15 of their peers per school, and a booster session was conducted to sustain positive health outcomes. Using participant observation, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions, the study revealed that the peer approach was effective in developing knowledge and life skills of junior students. It was also evident that prevention messages embedded in these life skills were more valued as young people apply them in their everyday life. It improved their relationships not only with their peers, but also with their parents and teachers. This study recommends that parents be targeted substance use prevention and that schools engage student leaders and other stakeholders for program sustainability.

Author Biographies

  • Duka-Pante, Francis Grace H. , University of the Philippines College of Education.

    Assistant Professor,

  • Morris Kamenderi, National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse(NACADA)

    Principal Research Officer,






Research article

How to Cite

Duka-Pante. , F. G. H., & Kamenderi, M. (2019). Peer-Based Life Skills Approach to Substance Use Prevention: :The Philippine Experience. African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (AJADA), 1, 7-11.

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